Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why was a notice issued?

    A Court authorized the Notice because you have a right to know about a proposed Settlement of this class action lawsuit and about all your options before the Court decides whether to give final approval to the Settlement. The Notice explains the lawsuit, the Settlement, and your legal rights.

    The Honorable Levenson, Jeffrey R. (09), of the Circuit Court of the 17th Judicial Circuit, in and for Broward County, Florida, is overseeing this lawsuit. The lawsuit is called Peters v. BuzzFeed, Inc., Case No. CACE-24-004380. The person who has sued is called the Plaintiff. The entity being sued, BuzzFeed, is called the Defendant.

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  2. What is a class action?

    In a class action, one or more people called the class representative (in this case, Plaintiff Darian Peters) sue on behalf of a group or a “class” of people who have similar legal claims. In a class action, the court resolves the issues for all class members, except for those who exclude themselves from the class.

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  3. What is this lawsuit about?

    This lawsuit alleges that BuzzFeed violated the Video Privacy Protection Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2710, et seq. (“VPPA”) by disclosing its subscribers’ personally identifiable information (“PII”) to Facebook without permission. The VPPA defines PII to include information which identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific video materials or services from a video tape service provider. BuzzFeed denies that it violated any law. The Court has not decided who is right. Rather, the parties have agreed to settle the lawsuit to avoid the uncertainties and expenses associated with ongoing litigation.

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  4. Why is there a Settlement?

    The Court has not decided whether the Plaintiff or BuzzFeed should win this lawsuit. Instead, both the Plaintiff and BuzzFeed have agreed to a Settlement. The Plaintiff and the lawyers for the Settlement Class (“Class Counsel”) believe the Settlement is best for all Settlement Class Members because of the benefits of the Settlement and the risks and uncertainty associated with continued litigation.

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  5. How do I know if I am in the Settlement Class?

    The Settlement Class is defined as:

    All persons who during the Class Period in the United States, (i) were log-in account holders and/or digital newsletter subscribers to a BuzzFeed Website and (ii) accessed a video through a BuzzFeed Website while a pixel was operational as to video. A “BuzzFeed Website” is defined as BuzzFeed websites or web applications, including, but not limited to,,,, and The “Class Period” is from May 16, 2021, through November 10, 2023. For purposes of this Settlement, “a pixel” is a type of coding for a website that works as an analytics tool to measure actions people take on a website, here while accessing a video through a BuzzFeed Website.

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  6. Are there exceptions to being included in the Settlement?

    Yes. Excluded from the Settlement Class are (1) any Judge or Magistrate presiding over this Action and members of their families; (2) the Defendant, its subsidiaries, parent companies, successors, predecessors, and any entity in which the Defendant or its parents have a controlling interest and their current or former officers, directors, agents, attorneys, and employees; (3) persons who properly execute and file a timely request for exclusion from the class; and (4) the legal representatives, successors or assigns of any such excluded persons.

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  7. What if I am still not sure whether I am part of the Settlement?

    If you are still not sure whether you are a Settlement Class Member, you may refer to FAQ 5 or call the Settlement Administrator toll-free at 1-877-438-1665 or click here.

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  8. What does the Settlement provide?

    Cash Payment

    Settlement Class Members who file a valid Claim Form can receive a cash payment of up to $8.00.

    One-Year Subscription

    In addition to a cash payment, all Settlement Class Members who submit an Approved Claim are eligible for a one-year subscription to BuzzFeed+ (valued at $35.88/year) with no subscription fee.

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  9. How will the amount of the cash payment be determined?

    According to the Settlement Agreement, a $9 million Settlement Fund will be used to pay for the following: (1) Notice and Other Settlement Administration Expenses (2) the Fee Award for attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses for Class Counsel, as may be approved by the Court; (3) a Service Award to the Class Representative; and (4) up to an $8.00 cash payment to each Settlement Class Member who submits a valid Claim. The $8.00 cash payment may be reduced pro rata (a legal term meaning equal share) if the total value of all Approved Claims exceeds the funds available for distribution to Settlement Class Members depending on the number of valid Claims received.

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  10. How do I get a payment and subscription?

    The Claim filing deadline has now passed. Claims are no longer being accepted.

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  11. What to do if I am unable to find my Unique ID?

    In order to receive your Unique ID, please enter your BuzzFeed Account Email Address here.

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  12. When will I get my payment?

    Settlement payments were sent on January 16, 2025. Payments were sent to the payment method which was selected on their claim form. In submitting their claims, Settlement Class Members could choose whether to receive their payment via PayPal, Venmo, or paper check. All PayPal and Venmo payments will expire and become void unless cashed or claimed within 90 days after the date of issuance. All future reissued payments will be issued by check.

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  13. How to access the 1 year subscription to BuzzFeed+?

    To redeem your free year of BuzzFeed+, simply follow the instructions below for your device:

    For iOS Users:

    1. Install the BuzzFeed iOS app from this link:
    2. Once the app is installed, follow this link on your device to redeem your offer:
    3. Tap "Redeem Offer" and follow the prompts to claim your free 1-year BuzzFeed+ subscription.
      If that link does not work for any reason you can also follow these steps:
      • a. Open the App Store on your iOS device.
      • b. Tap on your profile icon in the top-right corner.
      • c. Tap on "Redeem Gift Card or Code."
      • d. Enter the following offer code: XXXXXXXXXXXXX
      • e. Tap "Redeem" and follow the prompts to claim your free 1-year BuzzFeed+ subscription.

    For Android Users:

    1. Install the BuzzFeed Android app from this link:
    2. Once the app is installed follow this link on your device to redeem your promo code:
    3. Tap “Redeem” to claim your free 1-year BuzzFeed+ subscription.

      If that link does not work for any reason you can also follow these steps:
      • a. Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
      • b. Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top left corner.
      • c. Select "Redeem" or "Redeem code."
      • d. Enter the following offer code: YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
      • e. Tap "Redeem" and follow the prompts to claim your free 1-year BuzzFeed+ subscription.

    Have questions or need help? Feel free to reach out to our support team at

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  14. What am I giving up if I stay in the Settlement Class?

    If the Settlement becomes final, you will give up (or “release”) your rights to sue BuzzFeed and Released Parties regarding the Released Claims, which are described and defined in paragraphs 1.24 - 1.26, and described in paragraph 3 of the Settlement Agreement. Unless you exclude yourself, you will release the Released Claims, regardless of whether you submit a Claim Form or not. You may review the Settlement Agreement here.

    The Settlement Agreement describes the Released Claims in necessary legal terminology, so please read this information carefully. If you have any questions you may speak to Class Counsel for free or you may, speak to your own lawyer at your own expense.

    If you remain in the Settlement Class, you will be bound by all of the Court’s orders and judgments.

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  15. What happens if I do nothing at all?

    If you do nothing, you will not receive a cash payment or a one-year BuzzFeed subscription with no subscription fee from this Settlement. Also, if you do not exclude yourself, you will be unable to start a lawsuit or be part of any other lawsuit brought against BuzzFeed regarding the Released Claims in this lawsuit.

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  16. Do I have a lawyer in the case?

    The Court has appointed Gary M. Klinger of Milberg, Coleman, Bryson, Phillips, Grossman PLLC, Scott Edelsberg of Edelsberg Law, P.A. and Andrew Shamis of Shamis & Gentile, P.A. to be the lawyers representing the Settlement Class. They are called “Class Counsel.” After conducting an extensive investigation, they believe the Settlement Agreement is fair, reasonable, and in the best interests of the Settlement Class. You will not be charged for these lawyers. If you want to be represented by your own lawyer in this case, you may hire one at your own expense.

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  17. How will the lawyers be paid?

    Class Counsel’s attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses will be paid from the Settlement Fund in an amount determined and awarded by the Court. Class Counsel will ask for no more than $3 million (one-third of the $9 million Settlement Fund), but the Court may award less than this amount.

    Class Counsel may also seek a Service Award of up to $5,000 for the Class Representative for their service in helping to bring and settle the case. The Service Award will be paid out of the Settlement Fund, but the Court may award less than this amount.

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  18. How do I get out of the Settlement?

    The deadline for exclusion requests was October 14, 2024. Exclusion requests are no longer being accepted.

    No “mass” or “class” opt-outs were allowed.

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  19. If I don’t exclude myself, can I sue the Defendant for the same thing later?

    No. Unless you exclude yourself, you give up any right to sue BuzzFeed for the Released Claims being resolved by this Settlement.

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  20. If I exclude myself, can I get anything from this Settlement?

    No. If you exclude yourself, you may not submit a Claim Form to receive a cash payment and free one-year BuzzFeed subscription with no subscription fee.

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  21. How do I object to the Settlement?

    The deadline to object was October 14, 2024. Objections are no longer being accepted.

    No “mass” or “class” objections were allowed.

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  22. What is the difference between objecting and excluding myself from the Settlement?

    Objecting simply means telling the Court that you do not like something about the Settlement. You can object only if you stay in the Settlement Class. Excluding yourself from the Settlement Class is telling the Court that you do not want to be part of the Settlement Class. If you exclude yourself, you have no right to object or file a Claim Form because the lawsuit no longer affects you.

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  23. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement?

    The Court made a final decision regarding the Settlement at the Final Approval Hearing, on October 18, 2024. Settlement Payments were sent out on January 16. The purpose of the hearing was for the Court to determine whether to approve the Settlement as fair, reasonable, adequate, and in the best interests of the Settlement Class; to consider the Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees and expenses; and to consider the request for a Service Award to the Class Representative. At that hearing, the Court was available to hear any objections and arguments concerning the fairness of the Settlement.

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  24. Do I have to attend the hearing?

    No. Class Counsel will answer any questions the Court may have. You are welcome to attend at your own expense. If you send an objection or comment, you do not have to attend the hearing to talk about it. If you file and mail your written objection on time, the Court will consider it. You may also hire your own lawyer (at your own expense) to attend the hearing, but it is not required.

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  25. May I speak at the hearing?

    Yes. You may ask the Court for permission to speak at the Final Approval Hearing. If you objected to the Settlement and intend to appear at the Final Approval Hearing (at your own expense and either with or without counsel), you must file notice of an intention to appear with the Clerk of the Court and at the same time file copies of any papers you propose to be submitted at the Final Approval Hearing. Alternatively, if you object and are represented by you own lawyer, you may file your objection and intent to appear at the Final Approval Hearing through the Court’s E-Filing Portal and send copies of your papers by mail or otherwise delivery to Class Counsel and Defendant’s Counsel.

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  26. Where do I get more information?

    The Notice and this website summarize the Settlement. More details are provided in the Settlement Agreement. The Settlement Agreement and other related documents are available here, by calling toll-free 1-877-438-1665, or by writing to:

    BuzzFeed VPPA Settlement
    P.O. Box 2753
    Portland, OR 97208-2753

    To find out about your Unique ID, please click here

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